Wednesday, August 6, 2008

McCain: Two-faced Kitten?

I saw this little gem on the Countdown with Keith Olberman

The piece on the Olberman show was more or less comparing McCain two a cat born with two faces- they both have two opinions on the Bush tax cuts! Ha! How funny!

Just in case you had any doubt MSNBC had a liberal pundit, Olberman reminds us that comparing Obama to Paris Hilton is mean, but comparing McCain to a cat with a birth defect- Honey, clear off the mantle! We're gonna need somewhere to put that Pulitzer.


mickster said...

Obermann is not worthy of comment. He is an egotistical narcissist who thinks that every bit of news is about him, or is that Bill Clinton?

Ian Charles Blair said...

Ok, so he is quite the windbag...but did you see the Golem thing last night? Everyone is in a stir over that comparison, but at least they share the same haircut.